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1. Data Creators

Create a Mahalo Button and paste the snippet into the HTML of the landing page.

  1. After logging in, you will see your Dashboard. Please refer to the account about user authentication.
  2. Create a Mahalo Button. It will be placed on the landing page of the dataset, so an identifier is either the dataset DOI or the landing page URL. When you choose DOI, the title and the URL are automatically filled in from the metadata of the DOI.
  3. Return to the dashboard, and click "Generate Snippet" for the button. You can choose horizontal style or vertical style. Copy the snippet and paste into your HTML.
  4. Check if the Mahalo Button appears on your landing page.

Data creators can also use advanced functions as follows.

Referrer restriction (URL pattern)
Mahalo Button uses the HTTP referrer to check if the button is working at the expected location. If the HTTP referrer is different from the landing page URL, please specify the URL pattern to allow access.
Export Buttons
Export the list of Mahalo Buttons as a CSV file (*1). This is useful for managing buttons using an external tool.
Import Buttons
Import the list of Mahalo Buttons in a CSV file (*1). This is useful for managing buttons using an external tool.
Download Cards
Download all Mahalo cards given to the Mahalo Button.
Delete Mahalo Button
Delete the Mahalo Button. Not only the button but also Mahalo messages associated with the button will be deleted. Note that you cannot undo this operation.
Edit Mahalo Button
Edit the Mahalo Button for the title and advanced options.
Manage Mahalo Button
Moderate Mahalo cards given by data users. When a Mahalo card is not considered useful, you can change the visibility using the eye icon.
When an installed Mahalo button received a new Mahalo message, the notification of the message is sent to e-mail addresses registered in advance. The initial setting is disabled, so you need to enable it from the Settings menu of the account.
Find Citing DOIs
For each DOI registered in the Mahalo Button, you can search papers that cite it, using the DOI as a key. Currently, it can search DataCite and OpenCitations. For papers found here, you can go directly to "Give Card" and enter metadata about the usage.

(*1) The CSV file should have "uuid, doi, url, title, referrer_restriction" fields. Note that the uuid field is automatically filled by the system, so it should be blank for a new button. You should not modify the uuid field for existing buttons.

2. Data Users

Create a Mahalo Card to the Mahalo Button. Mahalo Button is for the dataset, and Mahalo Card is for a paper using the dataset.

  1. Click the Mahalo Button, and you will see the "Show Mahalo Cards" page. You can see the list of Mahalo Cards given to the Mahalo Button.
  2. Click a "Give Card" tab, and you can enter a use case of the dataset. In a standard setting, you can only enter a use case with DOI.
  3. After succcessfuly resolving the DOI, you can enter the type of the use case and the description (citation of the material). The description should be as detailed as possible. For example, you can copy and paste a section of the paper describing the usage of the dataset.
  4. You can enter the summary and tags by yourself, but you can also automatically generate them from the title and description using the AI feature. When you use AI, the "AI-Generated" is automatically turned on, so you need to turn it off when you manually edit them.
  5. The name is automatically obtained from the account. When you want to change it, you need to stop the "Give Card", change your name in the account feature at the top right of the screen, and restart the "Give Card" process.
  6. If everything seems to be OK, click the Give button.

3. Potential Data Users

  1. "Show Mahalo Cards" page is the link collection of papers using the dataset. Selecting original papers from the description, you can understand how the dataset can be used.
  2. "Show Mahalo Cards" page also has features such as filtering by keyword, or evaluating Mahalo Cards by "like" button.
  3. Using AI Chat functionality, you can ask questions about the content of Mahalo Cards given to "Show Mahalo Cards" page. For example, you can ask a quesiton such as "How the datasets are used?" and the AI will answer your question using the title and description of Mahalo Cards.


  1. For using the Mahalo Button, login is not required just for browsing, but login is required when you want to enter some information or use AI features.
  2. Mahalo Button uses Google's Firebase Authentication for managing accounts. To create an account, you need either a Google account or an email address.
  3. User name is obtained from Google's Firebase Authentication. When you want to change, you can use the account feature at the top right of the screen.
  4. Please refer to the Privacy Policy about the management of information obtained from the account.