Open science related activities in DIAS
Data Integration & Analysis System (DIAS) has a long-term goal of realizing a society based on scientific evidences derived from data. For this purpose, we should promote open science to make our scientific process "more open" in many ways. How DIAS is related to the concept of open science?
1. Open Data
2. Data Citation
3. Citizen Science
Research, development and promotion on infrastructure for open science is also an important issue. For example, we are working on the assignment of DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is a global identifier for data, and Gakunin Gakunin (Academic Access Management Federation in Japan), which supports authentication of access to data.
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Progress Report of DIAS Project", Japan Link Center Public Meeting (Second), 2015-02 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "The Current Status of Open Science and the Prospect of Infrastructure for Earth Environmental Data", 110th Seminar Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, 2015-05 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, Akiyuki KAWASAKI, Hiroko KINUTANI, Katsunori TAMAGAWA, Ryosuke SHIBASAKI, Masaru KITSUREGAWA, "Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) : Data sharing for solving societal issues on earth environment", Joho Kanri, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 413-421, doi:10.1241/johokanri.58.413, 2015-9 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Convergence to Open Science - Formation of a Community to Foster Shared Perception from Different Dreams -", Open Science Data Promotion Workshop, 2015-09 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, Akiyuki KAWASAKI, Hiroko KINUTANI, Katsunori TAMAGAWA, Ryosuke SHIBASAKI, Masaru KITSUREGAWA, "Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS) : Data sharing for solving societal issues on earth environment", Joho Kanri, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 413-421, doi:10.1241/johokanri.58.413, 2015-9 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "‘Shoulders of Giants’ and Data Citation", The Open Science Core Project FS Kick-off Meeting, 2015-10 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Design of Research Infrastructure and Utilization of Research Data for Breaking through 'Research Barriers'", The Second SPARC Japan Seminar 2015, 2015-10 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Dilemma in Open Science - Incentive in Scientific Communities and Motivation toward Eventual Openness -", Second Open Science Data Promotion Workshop, 2015-12 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Advancing Open Data in the Actual Scene of Research", ROIS Symposium "Opening Research Data in the Context of Open Science", 2016-02 (Panel) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Basic Knowledge about Research Data and Open Science", Forum on Research Data and Open Science, 2016-03 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Curation and open science in "Digital Typhoon": Issues toward a sustainable data platform", Joho Kanri, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 293-304, doi:10.1241/johokanri.59.293, 2016-8 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Recent Trend in Open Science and its Impact on the Informatics Discipline", Technical Report of IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers), Vol. 116, No. 259, pp. 1-6, 2016-10 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Open Science and Sustainability - Sustainable Platform Crucial to Data-Driven Science", 2nd Open Science Workshop for Reinforcing International Competitiveness of Hokkaido University, 2016-11 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, Kazuaki YAMAMOTO, "Construction of trans-disciplinary data platform that explores open data in the humanities", IPSJ SIG Computers and the Humanities Symposium 2016, pp. 117-124, 2016-12 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ] [ PDF ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Expectation and Challenges to Data Curation : From Natural Science to Humanities", Library Science Symposium "Open Data and Digital Humanities", 2017-01 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "Deep Learning and Open Science – Extreme speed-up of scientific research triggers shift toward friction-less information distribution", The Third SPARC Japan Seminar 2016, 2017-02 (Invited) (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]
- Asanobu KITAMOTO, "What it means about assigning DOI to research data -our experiences in DIAS-", Scientific Informatics Group and WDS Domestic Symposium, 2017-03 (in Japanese) [ Abstract ]